Sunday, 5 February 2012

Blue Valentine... Does Cupid need to practice his aim?

So, I recently watched the film Blue Valentine (2010) starring the beautiful Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. Now, if you're a fan of Ryan Gosling (or sad, romantic films) you'd have heard of The Notebook and you'd kinda guess what kind of film this was gonna be; a sad but romantic one. The plot of the film is basically a teenage romance that takes them into their adult lives. You're able to see the change in the way they are towards each other and ultimately the love disappear. It's similar to The Notebook in the sense that it goes from the past to the present, how they were and how they are. In a nutshell, they were madly in love, she got pregnant, they got married, they grew up, they fell out of love.

I don't know why this film touched my heart the way it did, but it did! I was quite emotional after watching it and I think it's because I want that whole loving-relationship-without-you-I-can't-live-you're-the-air-that-I-breathe kinda thing. But relationships nowadays (especially in the media) aren't like that anymore. You hear too often about relationships falling apart so quickly. If a celebrity couple are married for 8 years then get a divorce that's considered a long time!

"'Until death do us part' really means until the feelings go away...."

Now don't get me wrong 8 years IS a long time, but there are couples out there who have been together for more than 60 years. And ultimately the only thing that split them up was the fact that one of them (unfortunately) died.  I hope it's not coming across that I'm against divorce, because I'm not. I know people have different reasons for breaking up, but if they were really serious about marriage in the first place and the vows that they both said they'd try. But going completely against that if it doesn't work, then I guess it just doesn't work. Sometimes, it's even for the best...

My mum and dad divorced when I was around 13 (I think...) I am now 18 years young (19 next month woop woop!) For many people from a family similar to mine it's a thing where they don't even want to get married because they think it won't work, they just don't want all that hassle. I have so many friends that just don't believe in love. Personally, it's so sad to see such young people having such a negative view of relationships and love. For me, I want to get married and I want it to work. I want someone to come home to and share my problems with, or just call up for a conversation when I need to talk. I want to have that one person that I grow with and build a family with. I don't want to be part of the growing statistic of divorcees, I want to be one of the very few that have a successful marriage.

"Marriage isn't just sex, it's conversation and laughter...."

I know it'll take a lot of work, and it most probably (most definitely) will not be like a Ryan Gosling movie, but some day, by the grace of God I want to look at a man and call him my husband, to see little children running around and know that they are half of me. Now I'm not looking to get married any time soon haha, but, someday.

My quotes are from this gentleman:
Sex, Marriage, & Fairytales || Spoken Word

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