Monday, 31 December 2012

5 Day Challenge - One

FIVE random facts about yourself
FOUR of your favourite songs
THREE of your favourite films
describe TWO of your favourite memories
ONE wish/thing you would change about your life

I have neglected this tag so badly! But I promised myself I would finish it before the end of the year, so here is the final one :)

One thing I would change about myself is my procrastination, which is fuelled by laziness. This covers a broad spectrum, whether it be my university coursework or a simple blog post - like this 5 day challenge, which took me 3 months to finish -__- I find myself not doing things that I know I should, for the sheer fact that I can't be bothered and then I make excuses or find ways to distract myself. But not anymore. I guess it's a good thing I left this last one so late, because now I can leave the procrastination behind in 2012 and start afresh in 2013. I'm going to stop leaving things to the last minute or simply not doing them at all. I'm all going to take a lot more chances and do things that I've always wanted to do. I don't really wanna say this is my New Year's resolution... but I guess it kinda is lol.

Also, I'd like to say a big thank you to all my lovely followers; all the readers, people who have commented and some who have even featured me on their blog, those who have tagged me or given me an award :)

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and I wish you a very Happy New Year

See you in 2013!



Sunday, 16 December 2012

OOTN | Faux Fur + Leather

Hellooo! :)

I'm back home from university for Christmas! However, it's not all fun and games because unfortunately I have four pieces of work due when I get back. Yes, four! Fun(!) -___-

Anyhoo, we went to a family Christmas party last night and this is what I wore. It was so nice to see old family friends again and to have a chance to let my hair down.
The leather trousers are a new purchase, I got them for half price as H&M gave me a 50% off code for one item. I bought the fur coat around this time last year. I love how it complements the colour of my blouse. And it's so warm!

 Faux fur coat - H&M
Blouse - ASOS
Faux leather trouser - H&M
Boots - Dorothy Perkins

Monday, 10 December 2012

Camouflage #1

Greetings! :)

A couple of months ago I bought this camouflage jacket from Topshop, which I absolutely love! So, I thought I'd show you one of the ways I'd style it. This look is very simple and casual, but I've spruced it up with my spiked chain and skull bangle from Kukee.

Camouflage jacket - Topshop
Vest - Primark
Leggings - Topshop
Boots - Peacocks
Jewellery - Kukee


Friday, 7 December 2012

NOTD | Victoria

Hello everyone!

It's December aaaaaand it's nearly Christmas! :D

We had our first sight of snow on wednesday (5/12/12) Typical British weather, it'll snow every other day in December except Christmas Day lol!

The nail colour I'm going to show you today is Victoria by Nails Inc. It's one of those colours I wear every now and again, but despite that I'm such a huge fan of it! It is a lot darker than the colours I usually wear but I think it is perfect for this season.


Saturday, 24 November 2012

The Parka

Hello! ^_^

I've accumulated a lot of new clothes over the past months and it would be too much to do one big haul, but just to let you know that everything I'm wearing is new :)

I've been looking for a Parka jacket for a long time now, but in the past every time I wanted to buy one my size would be sold out. However, this year I started the search early and found this beaut from Warehouse. As you probably know good Parkas are usually quite expensive, however Warehouse were having a 25% off deal so I got this jacket  for a good price. The wool lining and fur trim are detachable so it can be taken off and worn as a light jacket in the warmer months.

I'm also in love with these boots that I got from Dorothy Perkins. I had been on the lookout for these kind of boots and was ecstatic when I saw them on the DP website with 25% off (yes, I'm a sucker for a good discount lol) They're not too high and can be paired with almost anything!

Parka - Warehouse
Top - ASOS
Necklace - ASOS
Jeans - New Look
Boots - Dorothy Perkins


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Beauty Basics | Mini Make-Up Haul

Hi guuuuuuuys!

I know it's been almost 4 weeks since I've been M.I.A... APOLOGIES! I have missed blogging and I felt so bad for not doing my usual 'welcome to the month' at the beginning of the month. So, for whatever it's worth Welcome to November! :)

Today I'm going to share with you some makeup pieces that I've bought recently as Superdrug are currently having 3 for 2 across all cosmetics, yay!

I'm going to start with this BB cream that I bought by Sleek. I've been looking for a BB cream for ages and when I saw one of my fellow bloggers - Akilah from Perfectly Random post about it I just had to get it. It provides a full coverage and has SPF15. I haven't used it that much yet but I have a good feeling about it :) I got it in shade 'medium'

Another Sleek product in the form of their Brow Kit. Now, I'm not a fan of this whole thick eyebrow thing girls have going on at the moment but my eyebrows are quite thin and I believe that lightly filling them in does the trick. I was previously using an eyebrow pencil from MUA but again have been meaning to buy this for a long time. I'm a big fan of this kit as it gives the brows a natural look but at the same time is buildable to achieve the shade you want.

Next is the Heaven and Earth palette by MUA. I've had this on my to-buy list for a long time but I never got round to buying it. I finally have and I'm a huge fan of the colours given. They are the perfect shades for a natural look and the lighter ones can be used on the brow bone as a highlighter.

This eyeshadow is from MUA and is in shade 20. It is a highly pigmented matte black, and I love it! It can be used wet or dry as an eyeliner or to help achieve a smokey eye. And for £1, great value for money!

And last but not least my favourite mascara, Volum' Express Colossal Cat Eyes by Maybelline. As I said in my Maybe it's Maybelline post I am in love with this mascara, so much so that this is my third time buying it! For a full review click the link, but seriously... I love this mascara.


Saturday, 27 October 2012

NOTD | Nude

Hello all!

I thought I'd try something different with my nail colour so I decided to go for a pinky nude. There isn't a specific colour on the bottle and I'm not too sure on the brand, my sister got it when she was on holiday in the Dominican Republic for 30p!

I love this colour because it's really subtle and most times when I look at my nails it looks like I'm not wearing anything.

It has most definitely been added to my collection of favourite nail colours! xo

Thursday, 18 October 2012

5 Day Challenge - Two

FIVE randon facts about yourself
FOUR of your favourite songs
THREE of your favourite films
describe TWO of your favourite memories
ONE wish/thing you would change about your life

I must admit I have been slacking with this but I do want to finish it so here's number 2 :)

My most favourite memory of my life so far has to be going to Radio 1's Hackney Weekend and seeing so many amazing artists live, especially Rihanna. Prior to this I had only seen Jessie J live then I went and saw more than 10 artists in one day. When I was there it felt like such a surreal experience and when I think back, look over my pictures or watch the performances I still can't believe that I was there!
One thing I loved about this was how everyone came together; there were so many people there. I saw some familiar faces and a lot I didn't know. I've lived in Hackney my whole life and I just loved being a part of this.

To see more pictures, click here to view the full post.

And my second most favourite memory is going to Paris with my sister in 2009. We only stayed for the night but I wish we could have stayed for longer because it was so lovely and the weather was gorgeous! I have only been to Nigeria, Spain and France but I already know that I love travelling and would love to do a lot more. I love the idea of exploring a new environment and meeting new people, even if we don't speak the same language :P

To see the full post, click here.


Wednesday, 17 October 2012

New In: Pointed Court Heels

Hi! :)

So recently I've been looking for heels that show 'foot cleavage,' basically they show more of the side of your foot than normal shoes. I went on a quest to find a pair and I actually found two! The first ones were from Dorothy Perkins but they were way to tight and I had to send them back. Then I went on the ASOS website and saw these beauties. Long story short, I'm in love. I haven't worn them out yet and I already know they going to be a killer to break into but I'm so happy I found them.

I've also noticed that most of my New In posts are shoes... Bet you can't guess what I'm obsessed with! :P


Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Liebster Award

I have been nominated (quite a while ago, I just took ages to do it...) for the Liebster Award by Feyi and Natasha from Uncover the Untold. Thank you so much girls! The award is for up and coming blogs; the 'best kept secrets' of the blogging world.
The Rules:
1.Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves
2.They must also answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for them
3.They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag
4.They must then choose 11 bloggers to tag with less than 200 followers
5.These lucky bloggers must be told
6.There are no tag backs!

11 facts about me!
1. I would love to travel the world.
2. I have chronic bitch face lol. I constantly look like I'm screwing people or upset, when really I'm absolutely fine!
3. I can't speak any other languages but I would love to learn Portuguese.
4. BUT I can sing in Portuguese and Spanish :)
5. I once gave up chocolate for Lent and it was honestly on of the hardest things I've done.
6. I'm right handed but I LOVE left handed people...
7. I also love red heads and people with (neat) dreadlocks
8. I can roll my tongue :/
9. I'm running out of things to say lol....
10. I LOVE Vin Diesel's voice!
11. I've said this before but I'll say it again, I love cheesecake :)

Feyi and Natasha's questions
1. What’s the one makeup or fashion item you can’t live without?
2. What’s your favourite store?
3. If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?
4. What’s your favourite season of the year and why?
5. Why did you start blogging?
6. What’s the top item on your wishlist?
7. iPhone or Blackberry?
8. Sweets or chocolate?
9. What’s your dream job?
10.  Name three things you can’t leave the house without.
11.  If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings?

My answers
1. Makeup – mascara and fashion – a scarf, I always have a scarf on me.
2. H&M. I think the majority of my wardrobe is made up of clothes from there lol
3. I’m going to be very boring and practical and say water, sunblock and a pack of cards, for entertainment :)
4. Spring, because the weather isn’t too hot or too cold. Also, I was born in Spring ;)
5. I was inspired by a lot of bloggers. I was really intrigued by the whole thing so I decided to join in
6. Steve Madden DYNEMITE Sandals. I am in LOVE with those shoes!
7. Neither, #TeamSamsungS3 :D
8. Oooh, ummm.... I'm going to have to say chocolate.
9. I honestly have no idea.
10. My phone, a mirror and Vaseline or carmex.
11. Give some to my family, give some to charity, save some, go on holiday then SPEND!!

My questions
-Who is your fashion icon?
-What kind of style would you define yourself as having?
-What is your must have Autumn/Winter fashion and beauty item?
-Name one thing that always makes you smile.
-What item is your wardrobe mostly made up of?
-What is your dream holiday destination?
-Why did you start blogging? (Yes, I stole this from the questions I was given... ^_^)
-What's your favourite makeup brand?
-What is your favourite perfume?
-What phrase or quote do you live your life by?
-What is your guilty pleasure?

My nominations - so I've broken the rules a little bit and I've only nominated 7 people. Quite a few of the people I follow have already received the award or have more than 200 followers...

That Good Girl Chi
The Rosy Diary
Lupus Heartbeat
Fashion by Fab
Perfectly Random
Fashion is Forever'AmorTee
Style Sincerity

Let me know if/when you do it! Thank you again Feyi and Natasha xo


Friday, 5 October 2012

NOTD | Coral

Hello my dear followers/readers!

*Image taken from Tumblr

(I know it's four days late, but...) Welcome to October :) Only 2 months until Christmas! I can't believe have fast the year has gone, it's crazy!

Anyhoo, I got my nails done yesterday with a colour I recently purchased, Coral by Barry M. I instantly fell in love with this colour when I saw it on a friend about a year ago. I have no idea why it took me so long to buy it, but I finally did! This is one of those colours I think will look nice on all skin tones, and it can add a pop of colour to a dark outfit.

As I'm sure you can tell I'm a big fan of bright nail colours and an even bigger fan of Barry M. Between me and my sisters, we have a lot of Barry M nail paints. I might even do a post and show you all the colours we have...


Friday, 28 September 2012

Hey, what's going on? (8)

Hi guys!! :D

First of all, I apologise for my lack of posts I know it's been over a week since my last one. As I said in my OOTN post I was going to be starting university soon and the next couple of weeks would be hectic, well they were. Me being me I left everything to the last minute and was in a mad rush to get packed and sorted out. Despite that moving in was very smooth and I got settled in very quickly (even though I haven't finished unpacking yet...) I absolutely love my new place! I moved in with some girls on my course and it's only been our first week back but we're already having a really good time.

I started lectures on Monday (24/09) so I am officially a second year student! I honestly can't believe that I will be starting my final year next year. Time has gone so fast, I don't even know what to do with myself lol. My modules are looking very interesting and I can't wait to get stuck in. I made a promise to myself to try really hard this year as it counts (the first year doesn't usually count towards the final degree). Last year I made a habit of leaving work to the last minute and the stress was awful. I've learned my lesson and I won't be doing that again, trust me!

Well, that's about it for now. I'll try to update as often as I can and keep you posted on what's going on with me. Or you can follow me on Twitter and Tumblr, I'm always updating on there! Links at the side :)
I hope you're all well xo

P.S. I loved that bag in my recent New In post so much that I got it in green ;D


Tuesday, 18 September 2012

5 Day Challenge - Three

FIVE randon facts about yourself
FOUR of your favourite songs
THREE of your favourite films
describe TWO of your favourite memories
ONE wish/thing you would change about your life
Again this was hard to narrow down, but not as hard as my favourite songs. The first two came to mind without a doubt, but I had a little help from my sister for the last one. I've also included some iconic/my favourite quote from each film.
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get..."
1. Forrest Gump
Tom Hanks is hands down one of my favourite actors. He's so diverse; he does comedy; Big, serious films Castaway & Philadelphia and romance; You've Got Mail. This, however is my all time favourite film of his. I've loved it for as long as I can remember. I love the way they incorporate actually pieces of history into the film.
"Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down..."
2. Mary Poppins
Another film I've loved for as long as I can remember. I get so excited when Christmas and Easter comes around because I know they'll be showing this film.  Whenever I watch it, it makes me really happy. I know the words to most (if not all) the songs. For a long time I actually thought Dick Van Dyke's British accent was real, lol. I thought it was really good! I'm a big fan of Julie Andrews, she's a beautiful woman with an amazing voice (I also love The Sound of Music).
"Rollin' with the homies..."
3. Clueless
I haven't met anyone that has watched this film and didn't like it. And if you haven't seen it, I suggest you do. I love the fashion, the way they talk... Every time I watch it it takes me back to the 90's, making me wish I was old enough to really enjoy the decade. This film comes on TV more regularly than the other two and I watch it every time.

What's funny is I don't actually own any of these films on DVD. I just wait for them to come on TV; it's the anticipation that makes me love them even more. For some reason I'd rather that, than having them readily available to watch whenever I want... Weird, I know.
 *All images taken from Google


Monday, 17 September 2012

New In: Primark, Asos & New Look

I went out during the week to buy some back-to-uni items, and bought a couple things that caught my eye (the jumper I actually bought a couple weeks ago but I wanted to share it).
 Green stitch detail jumper - ASOS / Guns 'n' Roses vest - Primark
The jumper is really light so a vest or bandeau would definitely need to be worn underneath it. I like it because it's light enough to be worn when the weather is warm and can be layered for when it's cooler. I love tops that have the Guns 'n' Roses logo on it because I think it makes for a really nice casual look. I already have a Guns 'n' Roses top, which can be seen in my festival ootd.
Brown side bag - Primark / White Plimsoles - New Look
I love brown bags! I have quite a few which I showed in a previous post. I love how they go with so many outfits and can really bring an outfit together. Primark also has this bag in burgundy, black and green. They all look so nice and for £4 I think I might be tempted to buy another ;) These plimsolses were a must as my current pair have taken a turn for the worst! I wear them when I don't want to wear my Converses or Vans but don't want to wear shoes.
These pieces will definitely be added to my uni/everyday wardrobe and will be making appearances here on future ootd's xo

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

5 Day Challenge - Four

I'm back with number four!

FIVE randon facts about yourself
FOUR of your favourite songs
THREE of your favourite films
describe TWO of your favourite memories
ONE wish/thing you would change about your life
This one was really hard for me! I feel like I'm cheating on every other song by just picking four lol. I love music and to choose only four out of all the songs I love was difficult, but I managed to do it :) The first three are songs I've loved for a very long time, and number four is my recent favourite (surprisingly they're all men...)
  1. Usher - Bad Girl
  2. This is actually the most played song on my iPod. I've been a fan of Usher for a long time, he's so talented and not to mention sexy ;) This song comes from the Confessions album which is just incredible! Whenever I hear it it makes me want to start dancing, and any song that can do that is in my good books.

  3. Ne-Yo - Miss Independent
  4. I love Ne-Yo! Words cannot even describe. If you ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you the same. I adore his first three albums and this song is from his third one, Year of the Gentlemen. I love that the video is filled with woman and has cameos from Trey Songz, Lauren London, Keri Hilson and Gabrielle Union. I'd like to think of myself as an independent woman so I see this song as my anthem :)

    File:Backstreetboysbsb lp01.jpg
  5. Backstreet Boys - I'll Never Break Your Heart
  6. I'm not ashamed to admit it, I LOVE the Backstreet Boys! :D My love for them started because of my sister and grew because of the countless number of hits they had. The lyrics for this song are so sweet, and I know them word-for-word :) This song is from the self-titled album Backstreet Boys.

  7. Flavour - Nwa Baby (Ashawo Remix)
  8. Some of you may not know this one. It's a Nigerian song, with some of the lyrics in my Native language, Igbo. It's a remix from the original which was realised in the 70's (I think...) It's so catchy and definitely an African party favourite.
I was going to put a Michael Jackson song, but I couldn't just pick one!
*All images taken from Google


Monday, 10 September 2012

5 Day Challenge - Five

Hi guys!

I got this tag from Ayaan from Style Sincerity. I haven't done a tag in a while and thought this one was quite interesting, so I decided to do it :)

FIVE random facts about yourself
FOUR of your favourite songs
THREE of your favourite films
describe TWO of your favourite memories
ONE wish/thing you would change about your life
  1. The sound of helicopters makes me really nervous.
  2. I'm not a morning person... at all!
  3. I'm a hoarder. I have so many things that I haven't used/don't need but I can't bring myself to throw them away.
  4. I'm terrified of spiders!
  5. I don't like onions.
Let me know if you do it too! xo

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Beauty Basics | Updated skin routine

Hello :)

This post, as the title says, is my updated skin routine and it's also a 2 month review of the St. Ives Naturally Clear facial scrub that I showed in my previous Beauty Basics post, here. I use the scrub every other day, because I think using it everyday would be too harsh on my face. On the days I don't use it I use my Simple facial wash, which is more gentle on my face and acts as a good balance.
I apply them in circular motions on my face and neck, obviously avoiding my eyes. The scrub smells amazing and I believe does a really good job. I've noticed that my face is clearer and a lot smoother :)

St. Ives Naturally Clear

Simple Kind to Skin Refreshing Facial Wash Gel

Palmer's Cocoa Butter with SPF 15

Also, this summer I've started using Palmer's Cocoa Butter with SPF 15. It's a lot easier than apply a moisturiser and then putting sun block on top (and it smells nice!) I think that we should always protect our skin during and after summer, because even though the sun is not shining as much it's still there. With this cream you have to make sure you blend it in properly, as with most sun blocks, or it looks like you have a kind of tinge to your skin.

Simple Kind to Skin Cleansing Facial Wipes

I've included the Simple Kind to Skin Cleasnsing Facial Wipes. It's not something I use everyday, mainly just when I need to remove makeup. They do a really good job and leave my skin feeling really soft afterwards. It's also good at removing waterproof mascara, which is always a plus!


Sunday, 2 September 2012

OOTN | Black & Leopard

Hey guys!

I honestly can't believe it's September already. I feel like I've barely had a summer and it's already over. I'll be going back to uni and moving into my new place in about 2 weeks, so these next couple of weeks are going to be hectic.

But anyway, yesterday I met up with a few of my friends for a night out in Camden. We started out at The Ice Wharf and ended up at The Cuban. I had a really great time! Whenever I get together with my friends it's always good times. As I said before, we're all getting ready to go back to uni so we're trying to spend a much time together as possible. Despite the fact we're scattered at different universities we always manage to keep in touch, which is great :)

For my outfit I decided to wear some new pieces that I bought recently; my hat leggings and shoes. I went with something really casual because I knew we were going to be moving around a lot. I was in the mood to wear all black but I thought I'd shake it up and pair the outfit with my new leopard print pumps, silver jewellery and red lips. I'm sure we're all aware that leopard print is a key look for A/W so I was really happy when I found these shoes.

 Was not ready for this picture lol

Hat: H&M
Blazer: H&M
Vest: H&M
Leather-look leggings: Topshop
Leopard print shoes: New Look
Jewellery: Kukee

Lips: Vamp by Sleek
Nails: Times Square by NYC

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