Tuesday 24 June 2014


Hello, hello, hello!

To everyone and anyone who is still interested in my blog... HELLO! :)
It has been a very long time since my last post and the reason being is that I was in the final months of my degree. I had my last exam on the 28th May and so the past few weeks have been spent doing absolutely nothing! And it feels good! Aaaand, today I found out that I got a first so will be graduating with a First Class Honours degree! I'm absolutely over the moon and thought I would share that with you guys. The last few months leading up to this point, with all the early rises and library sessions, stress eating and moments of doubt paid off. This is just a reminder that you can achieve anything if you really want it and give it everything you can!

Now, I have a lot of posts and outfits that I will be sharing with you all over the coming weeks, so look out for those. I hope you're all well xo
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