Saturday, 28 April 2012

Avengers Assemble!

Hello guys!

So yesterday I went to the cinema with my sisters to watch Marvel's Avengers Assemble. We went to Vue at Stratford, Westfield and it was manic! Even more so than when me and my sister went to see Breaking Dawn! It's a film that was highly anticipated by many, myself included. I heard it was coming out in cinema quite a few months ago, and as the months went on I started seeing the adverts and posters which got me really excited...

...And I was not disappointed, the film was amazing! As in, it was incredible! My Tumblr page and dashboard are filled with Avengers related posts. It was so funny! It had so many one liners that made the whole theatre burst out laughing. There was a lot of action, whether it be them fighting each other or the enemy, there was a lot of it. And I love a bit of action in a film so it was right down my street! Also, the cast was made up of a bunch of gorgeous people, what more could you ask for?! Because of this film my current celebrity crushes have taken the form of Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Chris Evans (Captain America) *sighs dreamily* They're soooo beaut! I thought Mark Ruffalo was great as Bruce Banner/Hulk. Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) looked so sexy in her body suit. Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man) was as funny and witty as ever. The way Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) was handling those arrows was so hot! And Tom Hiddleston (Loki) was a really good baddie! 

I left the cinema repeating "that film was amazing!" I think I even woke up this morning exclaiming how great it was lol. I would actually pay money to see it again... So if anyone is thinking of watching it, I say do not hesitate, you will not be disappointed!

Friday, 20 April 2012

HAUL | H&M, Topshop, ASOS, New Look & Beauty Base

Hey guys!

Here are some things that I've bought recently that I want to share with you :) I have to admit that I tend to buy a lot of things then I won't really wear them. But I've told myself that as soon as the weather gets better - because it's raining cats and dogs with a side of thunder and lightening in the UK right now and as soon as I have somewhere to go, I'm gonna put the pieces together and make some outfits!

 Blouse - was £19.99 I got it on sale for £9.99

Blouse - £14.99
I've been looking for a sheer blouse for quite a while, so I was happy when I saw this one at H&M. At the time they were having 10% off your whole order online so I actually got it for £13.49 :) But I'm still on the look-out for a black one.

 Clutch - £7.99

Bag - was £29.99 I got it on sale for $14.99
I have this bag in green as well and when I bought it they only had green and brown. But they've recently brought it out again in black and white, it was on sale and I was looking for a black bag so I thought, why not?! :)


Jumper - was £32 but I got it for £10
I can't believe this used to be £32, what a bump! It's a cropped jumper and really, REALLY bright.

Leigh Super Soft Ankle Grazer - let's just say they were kinda pricey :)
I love these jeans! They were in my shopping basket (online) for a while then one day I was like what the heck! Lol. They fit amazingly kinda like leggings and I love the colour.

Butterfly slippers - £16
I love this style of shoe. I have my spiked ones from Topshop which I showed in my other post here.

Spiked bracelet - was £8 I got it for £6 

Jewellery plate - I can't remebmer the original price but I got it on sale for £3

New Look
I bought the two rings at the front recently, both for £2.99
The pink one was also £2.99, the middle one £3.99 and the one on the left is from Republic at £4.49

Beauty Base
All 99p each (bargain!) L-R Pretty in Pink, Magnetic Force and Moody Red

Hope you enjoyed this haul!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

TAG | 11 Questions

Hello all!

I've been TAGGED! :)

I've been tagged by 2 people; Chi-Chi from That Good Girl Chi and Kami from Broke Wanna-Be Fashionista. Check out their blogs when you get a chance! They both tagged me quite a while ago but I've finally managed to complete it. So here it goes!

The Rules

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus provide eleven questions for the people you have tagged to answer
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your tag
4. Go to their page and tell them
5. No tag backs!
6. You legitimately have to tag

11 things about me :)
1. I daydream way too much.
2. I’m 5ft 10, yup I am that tall!
3. I love to bake!
4. I’m a Pisces, born on March 18th
5. I am a cinema junkie! I have seen A LOT of films in the cinema and plan to see a lot more.
6. I have a girl crush on Jessica Alba. She’s just so beautiful!
7. I love knitting.
8. I’m the youngest. And it has its benefits, I can’t lie =D
9. I love men who smell nice, but who doesn’t!
10. Tom Hanks is my favourite actor.
11. I think I’m a shopaholic...
Chi-Chi's questions:
1. When was the last time you laughed so much you cried/almost peed yourself?
2. When you were younger, what did you want to grow up to be?
3. What is your favourite song, and why?
4. Have you ever done something naughty and blamed someone else?
5. What is your ultimate travel destination?
6. Who would you want to be stuck in an elevator with?
7. Puppies or kittens?
8. How many pairs of shoes do you own? (Be honest!)
9. If a film about your life was made, who would play you?
10. What is the most daring thing youe have ever done?
11. What would you want every girl in the world to experience?

My answers!
1. On Friday when I went to my friend’s house to have a little get-together with all my friends from school (because we’re all at various universities now)
2. When I was younger I wanted to be a dancer. I still love dancing now; even though it’s not professional it’s just something I love.
3. There is no way I can answer this question, there’s just too many lol.
4. I do this all the time with my siblings, it’s so funny :’)
5. Beach holiday would have to be Bora Bora. I’ve been wanting to go there from when I was a child and Woody Woodpecker would always talk about it on the Woody Woodpecker show *sighs* I miss being a child…
And city is definitely somewhere in Canada, probably Toronto. I’ve recently become obsessed with this place! It seems like they just produce so many talented (good looking) people. I also love that some parts speak French and that they spell words the English, UK way *random* hahaa
6. Will Smith. Not only is he extremely good looking but I think he’s such an intelligent worldly man and I feel that we’d actually talk about something interesting. Well, after I calm myself down of course… *pervy smile*
7. This is so hard, but puppies.
8. I can’t even tell you… not that I don’t want to but because I don’t know lol. If I had to guess I’d say about 20-25.
9. Sophie Okonedo. She’s such a versatile actress and I think she’d portray me well. I loved her in The Secret Life Of Bees and Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. They are very different roles but she was able to adapt very well. She is of Nigerian heritage (like myself but she’s mixed) and she was born in London like me as well! So yeah, Sophie =]
10. Zip line! I don’t know how to explain it… but it was so scary yet so thrilling. Oh and going on Detonator at Thorpe Park, that ride is no joke!
11. Independence.

Kami's questions:
1. What is your definition of love?
2. Who is your best friend and why?
3. What's your favourite season and why?
4. What's your favourite TV show(s)?
5. If you won a million dollars what is the 1st thing you'll spend it on?
6. What's your favourite quote?
7. Lip gloss or lipstick?
8. If you had a chance to go on a date with a celebrity, who would it be?
9. What's one of your dreams that came true?
10. What's your twitter name?
11. What's your favourite movie(s)?

My answers!
1. Well, I’ve never been in love so I’m not too sure, but if I’m ever in love I think the way I’ll know is because I’ll feel something I’ve never felt before…
2. Her name is Mary and we’re just so alike! We’ve known each other for ages and we just get each other. We have one of those friendships where we just look at each other and burst out laughing. And if we haven’t seen each other for a while, it’s not awkward when we meet up again, we just pick up where we left off =]
3. Summer! It does something to people, makes everything so much brighter and pleasant and exciting. Also, I HATE the cold!
4. Oooh, I have SO many. But my top 10 would have to be (in no particular order); New Girl, Rules of Engagement, Happy Endings, The Big Bang Theory, Glee, Southland, True Blood, My Wife and Kids, 90210 and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air =]
5. I’m gonna change that to pounds and the first thing I’d spend it on is my parents.
6. “Today you are you that is truer than true; there is no one alive who is youer than you.” – Dr. Seuss
7. Lipstick
8. Trey Songz *cue fan girl scream*
9. Hmmm…
10. @MsAmericanRjct – follow me! =]
11. This is almost as bad as asking me my favourite song lol, but I would have to say; Forrest Gump, Hairspray, Taken, The Departed, Bad Boys 2, Step Up and Finding Nemo. Just to name a few...

And now it's my turn to tag some people :) Here are my questions for you:
1. Name one thing that you can’t live without
2. What is your favourite food?
3. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
4. Name one place you want to go, person you want to meet and thing you want to do before you die.
5. What is your favourite colour?
6. Who is your idol/the person you look up to the most?
7. What was the last film you watched in the cinema?
8. Night in or night out?
9. Who is your celebrity crush? (Because I know you all have one!)
10. If you held a dinner party, which celebrities would you invite (dead or alive)?
11. What is your favourite item of clothing?

Tag you're it!

Thank you Chi-Chi and Kami for tagging me. I hope you've enjoyed this TAG


Wednesday, 11 April 2012

TGI Friday's on a wednesday...

Hi guys!
Today I went to TGI Friday's in Stratford, Westfield with my sister and cousins.
While we were eating the fire alarm went off and it scared the bejesus out of me! Smoke screens came down and everything lol. Other than that, it was a really fun, casual dinner not to mention the cutie who served us our food ;)
I'm so upset I forgot to take a picture of my dessert! :( I had the popcorn brownie sundae, and it was delish!

Full rack o' ribs :D


Jumper - H&M
Ring - New Look
Leather jacket - H&M
Jeans - H&M
Belt - Primark
Studded loafers - Topshop

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

NOTD | MissChievious

Hi guys!

This is my current nail colour. It's by Missguided and it's called MissChievious. My sister got it free from a magazine (I can't remember which one) she gave it to me and I've loved it since then. I've had it for quite a while and it's definitely my go-to nail colour. It's reached the mid-way point and I already know I'll be getting it again when it finishes!

I use Barry M nail varnish as a basecoat and topcoat and Avon quick dry nail spray to help my nails dry faster. I spray it on a couple of minutes after my final coat.

What's your favourite nail colour?


Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Brown bag galore!

Hi guys, hope all is well!

I wanna share with you my collection of brown bags :)

Out of all the bags I have brown is the dominant colour. I remember I went through a phase where I was obsessed brown and I expressed this love through bags. I really love them and I feel they can go with just about anything, dare I say sometimes better than a black bag. Saying that, I still don't have that one black bag that will fit everything and go with everything...

H&M satchel
I'm gonna start with my satchel that I got from H&M about 2 years ago for £14.99. It was the last one in store and I found it in the most awkward place, it was on the floor under a rack of clothes. I initially went to H&M to buy a different bag (which I did go back and get) but when I saw it I just couldn't leave it. It's quite big, I've used it to hold my books and notepads for school and it's a great casual bag as well!

Topshop side bag
I bought this bag about 2 years ago as well from Topshop for £12, it was on sale but I can't remember the original price. It looks quite beige in the pictures but it's a bit darker in person. I really like this bag, it's cute and small and the design on the lid really adds a nice touch. Obviously it doesn't hold much, so I only use it when I know I don't need too many things, of it I'm going out for a little while.

These next 2 bags I actually got from my mum - my first real vintage pieces! :D I had seen the brown one around the house for a while, and I asked my mum if I could have it and she said yes. I love the snakeskin detail and the plaited strap. My mum knew how much I loved the bag so she looked through her trunk of old clothes and found me the multicoloured one. My friend has the same bag, just with different colours and she got from her mum as well! Again, the detail on this is lovely too.

*Also, I've been tagged by 2 people to do the 11 questions. I haven't forgotten! I'll do them as soon as I can  :)



Sunday, 1 April 2012

Beauty Basics | Avon makeup brushes

Hello all!

Firstly I'd like to say hello to my new followers, thanks for joining me :)
And secondly I wanna say Happy April! Over the past week we've been having good weather in the UK (however, I think it's over for the time being) But the good weather we did have has got me excited about summer - I can't wait.

Anyway, I'm gonna share with you some makeup brushes that I've recently bought from Avon.

My mum has been shopping at Avon for a long time, and now I've got into it. My aunty was a representative, then my neighbour and now my sisters work colleague.

All over face brush - £4

This brush is so soft and quite big. I'll use it to apply blush or a finishing powder over my foundation. I could also use it to blend my foundation...

Eye shadow brush and smudger - £3

I think this is genius lol. One side to apply eye shadow and the other to smudge eyeliner for a smokey look. What more could you ask for? :P

Mini kabuki brush - £3

I've used this to blend my concealer and I'll use it to blend my foundation.

The eye shadow and kabuki brush I bought at a discounted price (I can't remember the original prices). However, I think they are all a reasonable price and do their job well. The brushes are really soft and I like that they're black. I have some models own brushes that are white/coloured tips and I don't really like that, you can see how dirty they are!

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