Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Beauty Basics | Shea butter

Hi guys :)

So today's Beauty Basic will be steering away from my usual face regime and will concentrate on my full body regime. It dawned on me a few days ago how many of my beauty products contain shea butter. These are just a few of the products I've recently bought or had for a while and added to my regime. 

My skin gets very dry in the winter and I found that my usual moisturiser doesn't really do the trick. I saw Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturising Lotion on offer in Superdrug and thought I'd give it a try; and I'm happy I did! This product does wonders for my winter dry skin. As soon as I apply it, I can instantly feel my skin becoming softer. And when I use it alongside my body scrub* my skin feels glorious! It contains a Triple Oat Complex consisting of Colloidal Oatmeal, Oat Oil and Oat Essence. It says it's fragrance free, however does have a slight oatmeal sent but I love it. I find that scented moisturisers can be a tad overpowering at times.

The next product I've recently added is the Radox Nourish Shower Cream with Shea Butter and Ginger. I actually picked this up because it had shea butter in it. It smells amazing and makes my skin feel soft, especially when used alongside my body scrub.

I purchased the pure shea butter last year at Afro Hair & Beauty Live (see post here). It's yellow in colour, quite thick and doesn't really have a scent. My legs are the driest part of my body, therefore that's where I use it. I didn't use it for a while, however I'm happy I am now as I can see my legs are smoother. And again, when used with a body scrub is amazing.

Another product I forgot to show here is my NIVEA Essential Care lip balm, which contains Jojoba Oil and Shea Butter. This is probably the most effective thing I have ever used on my lips! Like my skin, my lips get very dry in the winter and this product is amazing. I've been using it for about 2 months now and my lips are softer, smoother and moisturised, all the time!

I really recommend products that contain shea butter if you have dry skin, or even if you don't have dry skin but want it to be softer and smoother. *Also, I'm on the look out for a new body scrub as my current one is almost finished, if you have any suggestions for good body scrubs, please leave a comment below xo

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