Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Birthday Wishlist

Hello everyone!

This post is a day late; yesterday was so hectic for me because I turned 20! I am no longer a teenager! It feels so weird. I feel so old lol. This is the only age (so far) where I actually feel like I've aged. At the same time though it's like 20 is an awkward age, you're not a teenager anymore but you're not quite 21. That's how I feel anyway, like I'm in some sort of limbo...

So last week I had a joint birthday with 2 of my friends from university who celebrated their birthdays over the weekend (#PiscesGang). And last night I had a few friends over for a spontaneous 'games night' which was hilarious! Ooh, but the fun doesn't stop there. This saturday I'm going out with another bunch of friends for dinner, which should be lovely.

These are just a few things I've had my eye on for a while. I already know I didn't get them for my birthday but that won't stop me from treating myself... ;)

Topshop MOTO Bleach Acid Kiri Mom Jeans // ZARA Office City Bag // Kringle Candle Coconut Pineapple // CASIO A159WGEA

This is my first attempt at a wishlist... I think I did quite well lol! xo


  1. i'm loving the topshop jeans and the zara bag x


  2. Pretty choices, love the watch. Really impressive blog, love your style. If you want check mine and we could follow each other:-)

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